Join us on Saturday, March 29-30, at Founders Heritage Park in Nelson for a day…
Mussel Inn, Sunrise Walk for wellbeing gig and more news..
Spring is in the air, and Im feeling a huge surge of songs coming out again. Winter time is vital to slow down on the gigging front, reinvent and reflect. Im 5 songs into my next studio album. Keep an eye out on my social media channels for sneaky listens.
This weekend Im playing a gig at the World Famous Mussel Inn in Golden Bay with Shaun Kirk. He is a one man band with a great rock / blues voice and blazing guitar skills. He also plays the drums with his feet, and I have to say it’s a huge wall of sound. Tickets click HERE
Sept 21 Sunrise Walk for wellbeing event. Meet at 6 am at Nelson Golf Club. I’ll be playing as the sun comes up. Watch the event video HERE
Sept 24 Wine tasting event at The Boathouse. From 5 pm. I’m playing the music, Wine Nelson will be showcasing the best of local wines. Why wouldn’t you? Tickets are selling HERE.
Nov 8. The Hummingbird Sessions gig at The Boathouse. 7 pm start.
Come enjoy a night of top local talent who have been involved in recording in my studio. You will be blown away with the level of talent.
Nov 16 Ciderfest 2019. Yes, I’m on the main stage in the afternoon with some great New Zealand acts. Pre sales selling HERE.